The online symposium on “Beyond the Pandemic – Knowledge, Recession, and much more” was chaired by the Organizing coordinator and Keynote Speaker Dr. Jyoti Deshmukh, also keynote Speaker and one of the panelist Dr. Sanjay U. Bokade (Principal, MCT‟s Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology), Dr. S. D. Deshmukh (Organizing Convener and Vice Principal, MCT‟s Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology & Head of Electronics and Telecommunication Department and also IEEE RGIT Counsellor), the Organizing Coordinators, Prof. Surendra Sutar (Convener of IETE RGIT), Dr. J. R. Mahajan (Convener of IEEE RGIT) & all the faculties and participants were also present during the inauguration of the Symposium through digital platforms like a Zoom meeting room and YouTube live. Keynote speaker Dr. Jyoti Deshmukh welcomed all the participants and she requested all the participants to enrich their knowledge from this Symposium by effective participation.
The online Symposium was inaugurated with a Prayer to goddess Saraswati and a virtual tour of Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology after which there was a brief introduction to the organizing committees IEEE RGIT and IETE RGIT via a virtual PowerPoint Presentation. Dr. Sanjay U. Bokade, who was one of our panelists, he is also a member of BOS for mechanical engineering, University of Mumbai, Chairperson of the IIIE Mumbai chapter, and member of National Council of IIIE; then welcomed all the guest speakers on behalf of the institution and also gave us an insight of the current pandemic situation is being handled, also explained how teaching-learning scenario will be post COVID-19 era and what skills a teacher must possess. He appreciated the initiative of conducting the Symposium online and gave his best wishes to all.
After this, Dr. Sanjay Deshmukh-Vice Principal of Institution, HOD of Electronics and Telecommunication Department, and the IEEE RGIT Counsellor expressed his gratitude towards the guest speakers. Further Prof. Surendra Sutar - Convener of IETE RGIT introduced the student chapter.
This next half of the event was an open panel discussion we can also name it as the question and answer round wherein the participants present in the ZOOM platform raised up their different queries to our eminent speakers. The session started with the first question for Mr. Sandip Kadtane, he was asked about the current pandemic situation and its effect on the technology in the field of VLSI or embedded after this pandemic situation.
The session ended with vote of thanks delivered by the convener of IEEE RGIT Dr. Jayant Mahajan on the behalf of IEEE RGIT and IETE RGIT to Dr. Sanjay Bokade, Mr. Sandip Kadtane, Mr. P. Pentayya, Mr. Uday Bhaskarwar, Mr. Neeraj Shah and Mr. Devdatta V. Rokade to delight all the student with their knowledge and express the feeling of gratitude to each panelist for taking out time addressing students in their respective field. Sir also mentioned and express a feeling of gratitude to the Principal Sir – Dr. Sanjay Bokade to provide the opportunity to conduct symposium during a global pandemic. He was also thankful to Vice Principal, HOD of the EXTC department and counsellor of IEEE RGIT, Dr. S. D. Deshmukh under whose guidance symposium was conducted. Sir also mentioned the about management staff and the student bodies of IEEE RGIT and IETE-RGIT for carrying out the event successfully. The event was concluded with the National Anthem.