IEEEXtreme is IEEE’s premier programming competition, bringing thousands of students from around the world together into a 24- hour event.
It is open to all undergraduate and graduate college students with an active IEEE STUDENT MEMBERSHIP.
The competition is hosted virtually.Teams are advised and proctored by IEEE Member and supported by IEEE Student Branch.
Format of the competition:
• It’s a 24 hour event
• 25+ programming languages available
• 1-2 questions will be added every hour
• No penalty for “NO: submission done” and “Time taken for each problem”
• 30 points for correct answers & 70 extra points can be awarded on the task difficulty.
For more information you can also visit the website:
Jugal Chawda: 7045183734
Atharva Shinde: 9082503084
Join Whatsapp Group for registration purpose: